Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reflection on EDLD 5352

I envisioned that I would look at ways to integrate technology into classrooms. I hoped that I would learn about different ways that the students would be able to use technology. I thought that I was computer savvy. I can make my way around a computer and believe that I did not believe that I had much to learn when it came to this. I was wrong. I have learned many things in this class. I have been given new ways to integrate technology into our core subjects. I have looked at new ways for students to learn using technology. The course outcomes did align with what I envisioned. This course has taught me many things that I did not know I even wanted to learn. This class has opened my eyes to new ways of doing things. It has also helped me to see that there are rules and regulations that I did not know were out there.
The course outcomes for me are very relevant. They apply to exactly what I do on a daily basis. I work with teachers to help them to integrate technology in their everyday classrooms. I did not know what went into the Long Range Plan or why we did the STaR Chart. Now I can implement these things and work with teachers to help them to understand what their requirements are. I am already helping teachers to realize the digital age is here and it is not going anywhere, so they are going to have to embrace it. I use our data system, Aware, daily and help the teachers to read that data and to make decisions based on that data.
I believe that I achieved all of the outcomes for the class. I may not have dealt with all of them in very much depth, but I do feel that I touched on all of them at one point in this class. I would have to say that I did get to make decision about technology only because those decisions have already been made for us for the year. Everything has already been purchased or the funds have been allocated. Many of these outcomes go hand in hand with each other. Many of these I already do on a daily basis in the job that I have.
I was able to complete all of my assignments. The assignments were very time consuming. You had to make sure that you were keeping up, because there were things that you needed from your district and I had to make sure I got those before the Thanksgiving break or before doing the assignment. I feel that everything was not as clear as it could have been. Many times I had to ask questions of classmates to make sure that I understood what was being asked of us. Many of the things that were on the course did not match what the weekly e-mails stated. There was not a lot of clarification on things and so the assignments were not as clear as they have been in the past.
I learned more that I thought that I would. I learned how to do a blog. I am really excited about this. I learned ways that our students could use them to learn outside of school. I learned about the Long Range Plan and how it is going to work and why we were doing some of the things that we were as a district. I learned about the STaR Chart. We have always been told to do it, but have never looked at the results. It was good to learn, so that now I can teach why we have these things and what they are used for.
Blogs are so cool. I have had friend that had them for their family, but never really thought of using them in the classroom. I believe that this could open our eyes to so many things. Blogs can be used for communicating with teachers, authors, or other students from all over. The education that our kids could get from talking to other students about things that they are doing is priceless. That is more than we could ever give them in our small little school. Blogs are the way of the future for our student to communicate with others. It is also a good way to keep parents involved in what the kids are learning and taking part in their education.
Blogs can be dangerous as much as educational. We do have to monitor what is going on with our students. You can get people that do not belong, that post things that are not appropriate. You can get views that you did not want to expose your students to. Discussions can be started that you did not want to be there that are not appropriate. You can have parents that over step their boundaries if you allow them access. You just have to be careful and teach. All of these things can be taken care of if you set your expectations and teach your students the ethics of the internet.
Stakeholders are so important to education, from the administration to the students to their parents. Blogging can be so useful when you want to keep your parents informed in their child’s education. You can allow all stakeholders access to see what you are talking about in class. You can have them respond with different views from outside of school. You can allow them to communicate with you and your students by commenting on what is happening or the subject you are talking about. You can also just communicate with them all at one time, by blogging what is happening and what your class is doing.

Technology Plan for Samuel Houston Elementary

“HISD is committed to providing quality educational opportunities for our students.
There are high expectations for student achievement from the district, the parents, and the community. In the 21st century, technology is going to play a major role in making these expectations become realities. Our district is committed to making technology an integral part of every students' education. We believe that for our students to be successful in tomorrow's world they must not only understand technology but also possess the ability to utilize this technology in a changing world.
Our goal is the true integration of technology into the teaching learning process. School leaders are requesting a sound educational direction for technology. This demand is being met with innovative equipment and dedicated teacher training.” (, 2009)

• Technology is used to reinvent and reshape curriculum and instruction, changing the way teachers teach and students learn.
• The professional development programs in technology are designed to advance the school’s goals for student learning.
• Technology is used as an efficient and effective management and administrative tool to support the instructional program.
• The deployment of resources advances the school’s vision for technology and student achievement.
• Educator Preparation and Development from the STaR Chart will be addressed in the 2009-2010 school year at Samuel Houston Elementary.
• Samuel Houston Elementary improves in the area of Mathematics at both 3rd and 4th grade.
• Samuel Houston Elementary improves the African American scores in all subject areas.

• Technology plan for our school
• Become knowledgeable of the TEKS
• Technology TEKS addressed daily
• Support for classroom teachers in integrating and using technology to in core subject areas
• Professional development opportunities
• Ongoing technology planning
• Build technology resources and equipment

Professional Development Activities:
• Aware – Train teacher on our data program and all that it can do for them
• Data – Collaborate with teachers in order to build an understanding of what the data shows and how they can use it to differentiate for their students
• Grade level Collaboration – Model what this should look like in order for teachers to have the best conversations about students and to look at what they need
• Smart Board Training – Train teachers on how they work, how they can be used in the classrooms, and give them time to create slideshows to use
• IPod Training – Train teachers on how to download information onto the iPods and how they can be used in the classrooms
• Integration – Train and model for teachers the ways that technology can be implemented into their core subjects
• Technology Plan – Build a technology plan as a campus
• TEKS – Train teachers using activities to become more knowledgeable of the Technology TEKS
• Mathematics – Allow teachers to explore ways to integrate mathematics and technology
• Technology – Continually keeping teachers and staff updated on new technologies and new ways to use technology that they already have

• Administration has to do a constant walkthroughs so that they can see that goals are being met in the way of technology
• Use benchmark data in order to evaluate how students are progressing
• Analyze the Star chart finding, the AEIS report and the AYP report
• A technology survey needs to be completed by teachers and students
• Lesson plans need to be looked at for the lessons integrating technology
• Staff development evaluations will be completed when technology is involved

Technology Organization Chart For Hisd

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Friday, November 27, 2009

STaR Chart Findings for Samuel W. Houston Elementary

STaR Chart

In looking at the STaR Chart, Administration and Support is an area that we as future leaders will have to focus on. Its target areas are to promote a shared vision, a leadership team that works collaboratively to make the Campus Improvement plan technology rich, and leaders support the use of technologies to enhance instructional methods. It also wants us to use a variety of media and formats to communicate with all education stakeholders, budget is allotted for the goals that have been set, and online learning is supported and facilitated through professional development.

We at a local level have gone down in this area. We are at an advanced stage as of 2008-2009. We have aligned our district with the Long-Range Plan for Technology. We have a full time technology director and have staff to every 500 computers. We are allotting more money for each student when it comes to technology. The state summary is at the Developing stage. This means that most districts have aligned with the Long-Range Plan for Technology. Teachers and administrators have a vision for technology, and there is technical support staff to 750 computers. There is a full time technology director is most of the districts in the state. The state and nationally more funds are being allotted for technology and education with technology. Nationally they are strengthening leadership, so that there will be more by in by the teachers. They are also trying to improve teacher training.

Trends in this area are that everyone is moving forward. It shows that districts are aligning themselves with the Long-Range Plan for technology. It seems that everyone is starting to have a vision and sharing it with their staff. Districts, including ours, are allotting the funds needed to meet the goals of the plan. Districts are starting to get more staff to help with technology, and our district is ahead of where the state is. We have a full time technology director and it seems that many districts are moving in that way. In all areas, communication and collaboration are being used more frequently. Nationally, the funds are becoming available to districts, so that there will be more money available for each student when it comes to technology.

This area is an area that could use some improvement. What is being asked of teachers today is more than just the basics. Teachers need to know how to integrate technology into their curriculum and instruction. We need to provide more staff development to our teachers in order to help them help our students. Our campus plan needs to include more technology integration and goals need to be set.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Pre - K TEKS

The Pre-K TEKS lay the foundation for all grades above them and their TEKS. It does this by building their basic knowledge. They are not divided into domains, but they have guidelines/skills that must be followed/mastered. Pre-K students are expected to learn to listen and interact with things online. They also have to know the technology vocabulary and how to double-click a mouse. Pre-K students are also expected to be able to create writings and drawings with computer software. They need to be able to insert CD’s and listen to them. The TEKS also address how to start a new program (appropriate to their age), use it and exit it.

Technology Applications TEKS are spiraled. They do this to make sure that students are exposed and can gain understanding over several years. This gives them the opportunity to master these skills over the years that they are exposed to them. For example, in Kindergarten, they are given more vocabulary to learn. Every year after that is going to build on the knowledge that they already have. Another example is they need to know how to insert a CD in Pre-K to move into copying information onto a CD in higher grades.

Our job as teachers is to make sure that all students acquire the necessary skills to become successful leaders and become self-directed learners. This is why starting this in Pre-K is so critical. On our campus we have had a technology teacher for a few years. We do not have this anymore. The teachers now have to do this within their classrooms. They just need to be shown how important technology is and what it can do for all of our students, even starting in Pre-K.

Long Range Plan for Technology

I actually enjoyed reading the Long Range Plan. It helped me to understand what our district and campus is moving towards. Our district is in the process of putting some of things in place and now I understand what they are and why.

The Long Range Plan is very important and gave some direction for districts and campus'. It lines out what learners should know, what teachers should be doing to help them, and what leaders can do to support. One key to all of this is staff development for our teachers. This is something that can be done on our campus.

Students should have access at all times and be able to collaborate with others using this technology. They should also be taught in ways that they understand. We are going to have to differentiate their learning. With technology, this will be made easier.

Teachers have to be trained through staff development that is ongoing. Teachers today are already using some type of technology; they now just have to learn how to integrate it into their curriculum. They also have to master the Technology Application standards.

Leaders have to have a shared vision. Leaders have to look for new ways to use technology and they need to use it in their professional activities. They need to set aside the time and resources to train teachers. They also need to motivate their teachers to want to use it by showing them how to be successful. We can do this through staff development.

Until reading this, I had no idea about the infrastructure. Our district is in the process of working on this. We are going to have to make sure that there is staff to maintain it. This will be a place for all stakeholders to get information on students in order to make the successful.
We can show the teachers more ways for them to be using technology in their classrooms. We also need to integrate technology into our curriculum. It should not be something else that we have to do, but something that goes along with all that we are already doing.

Technology is key to our world today and we are going to have to come up with the times. Technology is the way of the future and it is changing many things. We use it every day in our work and home lives.

The investment has to be made in order for the students to get what is needed to succeed.


These two assessments taught me a lot. It taught me stuff about myself and about my school.

I do agree with the assessment in that they showed the knowledge that I should have and the things that our schools should be doing for our students and for our teachers.

On the first assessment (Technology Applications Inventory), I felt really good after finishing it. I was very knowledgeable and could check yes for most of the items. My weak are was the foundations. I feel that I am very computer literate, but I do not know a lot about the computer operating systems and things go along with that. I know how to use the computer and I can use just about any program that you put in front of me. I use the internet and network every day with my current job. I can communicate effectively and in many different ways. I also update the school website regularly.

The second assessment opened my eyes. I did it from the campus standpoint. This assessment showed me that my school is nowhere near where we need to be with technology. I felt like we were getting there, but there are so many things that we still have to accomplish. Our school has many tools for the teachers to use technology, but we do not make them use them and we do not track how much they are being used. The teachers are evaluated one time a year and they do look at whether they used technology or not, but this could have been the only day they chose to use it. We are not tracking our students the way we should when it comes to technology.

These assessments were nothing alike in my eyes. One showed me what I knew and still needed to work on. The other showed me where my school should be going. They both gave me very good information.